Promote locations
Promote energy locations
Add your location to our database to be introduced to qualified propsects.
Finding qualified and verified prospects for your locations is never easy, with the current market conditions. A lot of time and effort is wasted on propsects that are not qualified.
GRN Energy has a database of qualified companies or investors searching for energy location opportunities. We continue to update our database.
Important: We follow a strict process that should be followed. Information is only shared after successful signed NCNDA or MOU/LOI.
1. Introduction meeting
2. Sign NCNDA
3. Complete survey
4. Location emailed to database.
5. Prospects presented
6. Prospect introduction
7. Final agreement
Promote your location to verified prospects.
Schedule a meeting with our consultants
GRN Energy team of consultants stand ready to answer all your questions and create a tailor-made solutions for your requirements.