Are you still looking for a Greenfield location, a fully built-out location, or a creative real estate location with access to power for your company?
Greenfields available in the United States
All showcased locations have undergone thorough verification, ensuring the accuracy of prices and available megawatts (MWs).
Potential sales tax exemptions, along with other tax benefits or incentives, may be applicable upon execution at each specific location. GRN Energy and its partners are pleased to offer consultation services to optimize economic outcomes, hedge risks, or enhance energy stability for your company.
- Raymondville, Texas, 5.6 MW, energy price blended $4.8 cents at 94%.
- Big Spring, Texas 40MW, energy price blended $4.8 cents at 94%.
- Paris, Texas 50MW, energy price blended $4.6 cents at 94%.
- Pennsylvania, 20MW, energy price blended $4.8 cents at 94%.
- Pennsylvania, 60MW, energy price blended $4.8 cents at 94%.
- Montana, 10MW, energy price blended $4.3 cents at 97%.
- South Carolina, 10MW, energy price blended $4.7 cents at 96%.
- South Carolina, 50 MW, energy price blended $4.7 cents at 96%.
- South Carolina, 40 MW, energy price blended $4.7 cents at 96%.
Fully buildout location available
- South Carolina, 40 MW fully build out location, energy price blended $sub 5 cents at 96%.
If you are interested in any of the locations please contact or follow the process on our website.